
No New Posts remington tobacco store.

Remington Tobacco Store, a place that many people visited, most quite frequently. The Tobacco Store is an small building, looking almost house like in appearance, with its now decaying white siding, and friendly looking outside. The inside looks similar to almost any family-run store, with it's small, cozy interior. Shelves sit here and there, making a maze towards the counter where the cash register sits. Most of the things on the selves are still there, packs of tobacco, wrappers, machines to help aid people in making their own cigarets, and of course a massive selection of cigars, and cigarets. Behind the check out counter, lays a open doorway, with cloth hanging over it. The back room is where you'll find the less legal things, things most everyone knew it, though no one questioned the store owner about them. Bongs, vaporizers, and other drug related objects line the small shelves. Though, the only thing missing was the actual drugs themselves.

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No New Posts mockingbird liquor shop.

Remington Tobacco Store, a place that many people visited, most quite frequently. The Tobacco Store is an small building, looking almost house like in appearance, with its now decaying white siding, and friendly looking outside. The inside looks similar to almost any family-run store, with it's small, cozy interior. Shelves sit here and there, making a maze towards the counter where the cash register sits. Most of the things on the selves are still there, packs of tobacco, wrappers, machines to help aid people in making their own cigarets, and of course a massive selection of cigars, and cigarets. Behind the check out counter, lays a open doorway, with cloth hanging over it. The back room is where you'll find the less legal things, things most everyone knew it, though no one questioned the store owner about them. Bongs, vaporizers, and other drug related objects line the small shelves. Though, the only thing missing was the actual drugs themselves.

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No New Posts the abandoned lot

The Abandoned Lot, had never been quite as abandoned as it seemed. In the random objects that litter the ground you'll find secret hiding holes. The Abandoned Lot, even in its early days in the fifties proved to be a favorite place for drug dealers, and people who just needed a place to hide their stash. Most didn't know where another person's stash was, unless they stumbled upon it. Though, the Lot was something that was kept between dealers, and their buyers, simply wanting to keep the cops away from it. Now the old lot is overgrown, the weeds towering over most creature's heads. Even now though, you can find stashes left behind, most deteriorated beyond use, though some still holding their potency. In a few spots around the lot, mainly near the center and in the far back corners, you'll find patches of marijuana, and in other places you can manage to find patches a mushrooms. Needless to say, this has proven to be a favorite spot for canines who enjoy that 'let go' feeling.

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No New Posts the back alleyways.

The Back Alleyways, a maze of paths behind the buildings are trash filled, dark, and dirty places. It used to be where the stray dogs and cats had to call home for fear of being caught by the dog catcher. It also used to be a favorite place for illegal activities, such as drug swaps. Now the back alleyways are simply ways to get around town faster, or to find a place for the night with in the old dumpsters, rotting wooden crates, and small rotting trash heaps. Rats and roaches mainly call these places home, though beware. Most rules don't generally apply here.

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islara back streets.

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islara back streets.
Unlike the main street at the center of town, these roads were less traveled by visitors to the community. The back streets were in short mostly the types of places where if you were wandering around after dark it would look fairly suspicious. Though during the day, most of these places were commonly visited, even by the most uptight of residents.
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