
No New Posts the half dock.

The Half Dock is really an old fishing dock. Boats with motors werent allowed in the river, a fishing dock was built instead, stretching half way across the river. The dock had to be rebuilt several times, sometimes being ruined in floods that would rush through the river during the spring. The old pine wood has now started to rot, leaving the dock a rickety, unstable structure that is beyond the comfort zone of many. Some boards are missing, others are broken. Though, it's the whole boards, that arent ruined in any noticeable way that you have to watch out for. One misplaced paw, and you might find yourself with a twisted, or broken paw, or even splashing down into the river itself. Though, even with its dangers, the half dock holds a siren, old style beauty that few still have the patience to respect.

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No New Posts the old campgrounds.

The Old Safrit Campgrounds were never really a busy place, not even during they high-season of summer, and early autumn. The grass has long since grown up, though it's fairly short due to the gravel that holds it down, its short length also being attributed to the amount of shade that the campgrounds receive. Surrounded by towering oaks, the majority of the camping area is placed in constant shade, large stone circles dotting the ground here and there, indicating what used to be fire pits. The fire pits are the only real remnants that humans were actually at the campgrounds themselves. Closer down to the river, in a small grove of willows you'll find three wooden tables, slowly rotting away where they sit, where people used to sit, eat, and watch the river flow past.

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No New Posts the rapids.

The Rapids are only a short distance from the campgrounds, the soft roar of them being able to be heard at the campgrounds themselves. The Rapids are not large, consisting of fifteen meters of rough, white water that rumbles and rolls over itself as it surges over, and around the boulders that reside under the surface, and protrude skyward. Several humans, and over animals have been known to have died in the surging white water, their skeletons said to still rest at the bottom of the rapids in the calm pool that rest at the bottom of them. If you're brave enough to get into the water, fish are easy to catch on their journeys upstream to their spawning grounds, as they hurl themselves through the rapids in their desperate race, more often than not throwing themselves into the jaws of some waiting predator.

4 surging waters. [o]
Sept 8, 2013 21:39:57 GMT -5
No New Posts the safrit pools.

The Safrit Pools show up after the Rapids, the first occurring just five meters after the end of the Rapids. These pools continue down for nearly fifteen meters, on both sides of the river, the water here becoming sluggish as it swirls around in the pools before moving on. The pools closer to the Rapids are cooler, being shaded by various types of trees, ferns, grass, and water plants residing at the edges. The Safrit Pools are the calmness after the Rapids, and while the air is filled with the roar of the churning water, the pools are actually quite peaceful, and relaxing. Though stories of bones at the bottom of some of the pools make many steer clear of those certain ones; the first three after the Rapids. Whether these stories are true or not, well the curious individual will have to find that out themselves.

3 Empty Feelings. [OPEN.]
Aug 22, 2013 5:21:16 GMT -5
No New Posts the fallen tree.

The Fallen Tree, a massive pine tree, forms a natural bridge over Safrit River .The Tree is just beyond the pools, its smooth, bark-less trunk refusing to rot away even over the seasons that it has been stretched across the river. Many have fallen from the smooth bark being in too much of a rush to get across. Crossing the Tree to quickly is dangerous, often resulting in a struggle in the water below, or on the off occasion drowning to death. The roots and some of its spindly branches reach out in all directions, death having left the tree in a frozen state of looking for the warmth of the sun that it will never have again.

1 Fix You |<3| Snakes/Na'zyia!
by taliesin
Sept 1, 2013 16:05:35 GMT -5

safrit river.

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safrit river.
Safrit River is one of the only actual rivers around Islara. Many streams and creeks feed into it, the river itself stretching off into the distance, the lake that it feeds into being nowhere near Islara. The river used to be a favorite spot for many people, since it used to be one of the cleanest rivers in the United States. It started, and ran mostly through a protected area, the first town it went past being Islara, and it was a law that everyone clean up any trash that they left. The river is cleaner than it used to be, like the air, and is now one of the largest sources of fresh water for the creatures that inhabit both Islara, and the area around it. The land around the river tends to be highly sought after.
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