
No New Posts coldstone creamery.

Coldstone Creamery, a place where children would beg to be taken to, and teens would go on small dates at. It used to be a favorite in town, even for visitors, famous for its ice-cream. Opened in 2010, the place lived a short life in Islara. Being right beside the Cinema, people often stopped here once they were done with their movie. With its white exterior, and inviting front door, people were almost always drawn into the cool inside, to sit order what they wanted, and hang out while they ate it. Fashioned in a way that was a mix between an old fifties diner, and a modern ice-cream shop, the place drew a lot of attention. Everything has melted, and decayed away though, it still proves to be an interesting place to explore, now that its front door has been broken.

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No New Posts the alien.

The Alien, originally opened as an twenty-one plus only club, changed in 2005, when the age limit was lowered to allow kids as young as fifteen in, making it Islara's only teen-club. Adults were still allowed, and alcohol was still sold, though for such activities a drivers license was needed. The club was a dark building, decorated even on the outside with green, blue, orange, red, and purple lights. The inside was decorated to look like the inside of an alien mother ship, having a color scheme much like the outside with mostly silver things, and ever flashing strobe lights that provided an atmosphere that most everyone loved. Though, in 2011 the place was closed down after reports of employees having sold both alcohol and illegal substances to minors. Most everything still remains though, the owners not wanting to keep the things inside, intending to sell anything and everything in it. Now two inch thick, darkly tinted doors are shattered, letting anything that pleases to just walk in.

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No New Posts tinseltown cinema.

Tinseltown Cinema used to be one of those places that drew everyone regardless of age. The tall brick building proved to be a fun place to spend a few hours of the weekend. With ten large screens, a main lobby, and a small arcade the Cinema had things for everyone to do while they waited for their friends to get their, or for their movie to start. The faded red, blue, and purple carpets covered almost all the floors in the cinema, leaving only a small area near the concession stands, and the actual theaters themselves free of carpet for easy cleaning. The wall of doors that people were allowed in only after purchasing their tickets, are mostly broken, letting anything and everything in.

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No New Posts wagner's gym

Built in the early 2000's, Wagner's Gym is one of the newest constructions in town. A place where people could actually have fun, and get their daily exercise, Wagner's Gym is filled with things from weight lifting equipment, various types of training, and even a small pool that people could either cool off and relax in, or do laps in. The building itself had numerous windows in it, almost all of which have been broken in some way or another, leaving almost the entire gym open to the outside. Out back, there's an outdoor track, with hurtles, and a football/soccer field in the middle of it. An indoor basketball court, weight rooms, and fitness rooms make up the majority of the gym, with two large locker rooms where people could either purchase their own locker, or rent one for the day. Vines have taken over most things, having crawled in from the outside and spread over most everything close to the windows. While not much use to anyone now, the old gym still proves to be an interesting place to explore.

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No New Posts islara public library

The Islara Public Library used to be both a loved and hated place, with its old church like structure. The old stone outside has been around since the late 1800's, when a small village used to stand where Islara now sits. This church converted into a library is filled to the brim with thousands of books, now forgotten and decaying on their oak shelves. The deep red carpets, and tall wood-paneled walls help bring the place together, along with the old painted glass windows, most of which are now shattered from years old neglect. Mold and moss can even be found growing on some of the books closer to the windows, and even vines grow through the windows, looking for new places to hold onto as they climb ever upward. Old wooden desk, and oak tables with matching deep-red cushioned chairs are scattered around. The main desk is a wide, solid oak construction where a computer still sits, broken and deteriorating by the day. Near the far back wall, a row of computers in similar condition can be found with their wires chewed, rats more often than not calling the insides home. Birds also now call this place home, as well as what ever happens to wander in from the outside. Though, even in its deteriorated state, the public library is still quite a stunning place.

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islara recreational facilities.

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islara recreational facilities.
This used to be the part of town where young, and old people alike would hang out. This part of town is where you'll find the most things to do for fun. These buildings range from some of the oldest in town, to some of the newest. It's worth a visit, still holding its interesting qualities, just different than what it was originally intended for.
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