the rapids.

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newBookmarkLockedFalling surging waters. [o]
tate 3 532 by NA'ZYIA
Sept 8, 2013 21:39:57 GMT -5

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the rapids.
The Rapids are only a short distance from the campgrounds, the soft roar of them being able to be heard at the campgrounds themselves. The Rapids are not large, consisting of fifteen meters of rough, white water that rumbles and rolls over itself as it surges over, and around the boulders that reside under the surface, and protrude skyward. Several humans, and over animals have been known to have died in the surging white water, their skeletons said to still rest at the bottom of the rapids in the calm pool that rest at the bottom of them. If you're brave enough to get into the water, fish are easy to catch on their journeys upstream to their spawning grounds, as they hurl themselves through the rapids in their desperate race, more often than not throwing themselves into the jaws of some waiting predator.
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